tea set brand

Tea set brand


Leading the Paradigm of World Tea, Xishan Tea Industry has stepped to the forefront of China's renowned tea brands, becoming a leader among the nation's esteemed tea instruments. Its influence is rapidly ascending with the expansion into the global market, and as Xishan forges ahead, it bravely clears paths through thorns and brambles, pioneering a world-famous brand for the Chinese national tea industry!

Design concept

In crafting our website, we aim beyond mere transactions and displays; we pursue an in-depth cultural journey that touches the core. Each piece of teaware is a uniquely crafted artwork steeped in time, bearing the weight of history and the delicacy of culture. We are committed to creating a space where tea enthusiasts can experience the profoundness of tea culture, savoring the poetry and distant horizons of life. Through every tasting and exchange, we aim not just to convey objects but to ignite the yearning for a beautiful life and to awaken the tranquility and wisdom within.

Color matching



    CMYK 0 0 0 0
    RGB 255 255 255

  • #F7F7F7


    CMYK 4 3 3 0
    RGB 247 247 247

  • #000000


    CMYK 93 88 89 80
    RGB 242 157 18

  • #333333

    Dark gray

    CMYK 79 74 71 45
    RGB 51 51 51

Tea Artistry Elegance - The Philosophy of Website Design

In the design process, we adopted a minimalist yet elegant style, using natural tones and fresh background patterns to create a serene and harmonious atmosphere. The website's layout blends traditional and modern elements, showcasing the classical charm of tea culture while maintaining a contemporary feel. We meticulously selected typefaces and layouts to convey the artisan spirit and cultural depth behind each piece of teaware. Overall, the website design focuses on user experience, guiding visitors to appreciate the beauty of tea art and explore the profundity of the tea ceremony as they browse.
